Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian

When it comes to skincare, I’d go an extra mile at anytime. Lately, I’ve been super possessive over my skincare, I never miss out on my skincare routines and I’m never low on skincare products. However, I still struggled with some breakouts and blemishes on my cheeks. The main reasons to such sorcery are the frequent use of foundation and my diet. Overtime, I started to learn that clear skin does NOT ONLY start from the best skincare routines or products. It all starts with nourishment from within and also cutting back on the use of foundation. Therefore, I decided to change my diet for healthier skin and of course a healthier me!

An Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian does NOt consume MEAT and only eats plant-based foods but prescribes to some animal products like dairy products and eggs. The word Ovo is egg and Lacto is dairy in Latin. I started my new diet about a month ago and I love it! I’ve been cooking my own yummy vegetarian meals and eating lots of fruits. Fruits have been one of the many foods that I’ve always enjoyed eating and I’m glad my new diet requires me to consume even more fruits!

I wanted to share some pictures of my vegetarian meals with you guys!

Over the past month, I’ve seen a tremendous improvement on my skin. The high consumption of clear foods have been making my breakouts slowly subside and the blemishes are fading away. My diet has also made me lose a healthy amount of weight and I’ve been feeling much happier, I’m not saying that a diet change would make you “depressed free” but it surely would help lighten your mood!

Published by rachelchiam

Just a girl sharing her personal reviews and feedback with you!

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